For this release, I want to credit:

  • Daniel Sobral for his improvement ideas on Given/When/Then specifications
  • Naftoli Gugenheim for reporting several issues and improvement ideas when porting the Lift specifications to specs2
  • Richard Legendi who noticed several small issues (with Locations for example) when working on the specs2-runner plugin for ScalaIDE.

This version adds lots of small enhancements on top of 1.11:

  • the Debug api allows to quickly log statements to the console. For example the pp method prints an object to the console and returns it: "this string".pp must not beEmpty prints "this string" to the console
  • the Given/When/Then specifications have factory methods creating Given/When/Then steps just by providing regular expressions and functions so that "${...}" delimiters can be omitted:

     val number1: Given[Int] = groupAs("\\d+") and { (s: String) => s.toInt }
     number1.extract("pay 100 now") === 100
  • the Given/When/Then specifications are automatically indented

  • several consecutive Given steps can now be followed by a When step
  • XML matchers checking attribute values can now use regular expressions instead of having to pass the actual value
  • The NameSpace trait allows to scope variables in a mutable specification
  • a Step now has a stopOnFail attribute to stop the execution if any previous example failed (default value = false)
  • the inline method inserts all the fragments of a specification inside another one (whereas include will create a sub-specification). See issue 87
  • the equality function can now be specified with the haveTheSameElementsAs matcher
  • the aka parameter has been made lazy so that strings are only evaluated when there is an actual failure
  • another way of adapting a matcher for readability can be used: // instead of: endWith(extension) ^^ ((:File).getPath) def haveExtension(extension: =>String) = ((:File).getPath) ^^ endWith(extension)
  • in mutable specifications, ">>(u: =>Unit)"" will create a block of fragments while "in(u: =>Unit)"" creates an example. This allows to write:
     "example" in { 
       (1 to 5) foreach { i => i === i } 
       // no need to end the block with a success result
    • tags can now be passed to the command line to form a boolean expression. For example: "include t1 && t2, t3" will keep the examples having the tags (t1 AND t2) OR t3
    • when argument values have spaces on the command line, it is possible to use a dash for desambiguation : >test-only *MyTest* -- -include issue 123 -xonly

And some fixes:

  • fixed the wrong execution times with the JUnit runner
  • fixed the locations of all fragments for mutable specifications
  • fixed the JsonMatchers so that they accept Any values (Double, Int,...) and not only Strings
  • fixed the isolated mode with mutable specifications when the specification has several levels of indentation
  • issue 85: make sure that a specification always have a title
  • issue 88: make the ex argument robust in presence of a malformed regular expression
  • issue 91: fixed auto examples when extending SpecificationWithJUnit. Auto-examples spanning several lines in mutable specifications can now be recognised
  • issue 94: using test-only on Index spec creates an incorrect index page
  • issue 95: added a containTheSameElementsAs matcher to get precise failures on the difference between 2 sequences
